
    The importance of information disclosure and the characteristics of mineral resources and reserves:a perspective from the capital market

    • 摘要: 发展我国矿业资本市场,需跳出矿业和资本市场各自的框架,注重学科间的嫁接、对接和视角的互换。本文站在资本市场的角度,结合资本证券市场信息披露基本要求,对采掘业上市公司的矿产资源储量信息披露的重要性和矿产资源储量特点进行介绍。矿产资源储量信息是采掘业上市公司财务信息的重要基础依据,是最主要的非财务信息,采掘业上市公司信息披露的关注重点应是矿产资源储量本身,尤其是可采储量。我国矿产资源储量的形成大致需经历5大阶段,每一阶段都对应关系到矿产资源储量的真实性、准确性和完整性,规范好矿产资源储量每一阶段的工作内容和责任体系,就可以透明和控制矿产资源储量的风险,获得资本市场的信任和理解,从而建立起矿业与资本的联结,做强做大矿业资本市场。


      Abstract: The development of mining capital market needs to break the existing frames, and focus on connection and perception of different disciplines.This paper intends to introduce the importance of information disclosure and the characteristics of mineral resources of listed mining companies from the perspective of capital market, which in combination with the requirement of information disclosure of stock market.The information of mineral resources is the fundamental ingredient which regard to the financial information of listed mining companies, particularly proved extractable reserve.The estimation of mineral resource requires five steps, and each one is of much importance to the reliability, accuracy, and integrity of mineral resource.The risks will be better managed in a transparent way with the improvement of the regulation of the content and responsibility system of each step of the mineral resource, and the trust and understanding from the capital market will be gained, so a closer bond between the capital and the industry would be established, and capital market of mining industry would be enhanced.


