
    Development status and prospects of China’s mining capital market under global financial changes

    • 摘要: 2020年新冠肺炎疫情的爆发,全球主要国家的经济增长出现了断崖式下跌,为了避免经济发展的衰退,各国先后推出一系列非常规财政政策、货币政策和金融政策,而这些政策的推出也颠覆了传统的市场认知。全球矿产品的价格加速上涨,走出十余年来的低迷行情,开启了周期行情,其价格高位运行对全球产业链重构和我国矿业发展影响巨大,我们正处于一个金融变革的时代,也是矿业发展的全新机遇。本文首先从七个方面分析了全球金融大变局的基本态势;其次从全球各国财政政策及中美利差影响分析的角度未来几年,人民币很可能步入较长的升值周期,人民币在国际结算中的比例也有明显提升;最后分析了全球资本市场发展趋势,以及矿业板块持续受资本关注。在以上分析的基础上,本文重点讨论了全球金融大变局下中国金融深化改革的几个方面和中国矿业资本市场从“转折”到“复苏”的矿业上市公司的走势,最后提出了中国矿业资本市场发展的建议。


      Abstract: In 2020, the global economy was affected by the outbreak of COVID-19, and the economic growth of major countries had a cliff shaped fall.In order to avoid the recession of economic development, countries launched a series of unconventional fiscal policies, monetary policies and financial policies, and the introduction of these policies also subverted the traditional market recognition.We have noticed that the price of global mineral products has accelerated, walked out of the downturn of more than ten years, and opened the cycle market.Its high price operation has a great impact on the reconstruction of global industrial chain and the development of China’s mining industry.We are in an era of financial reform and a new opportunity for mining development.Firstly, this paper analyzes the basic situation of the global financial great change from seven aspects.Secondly, from the perspective of global fiscal policies and the impact of China US interest rate spread, the RMB is likely to enter a long appreciation cycle in the next few years, and the proportion of RMB in international settlement will also increase significantly.Thirdly, it analyzes the development trend of the global capital market and the continuous attention of the mining sector.Based on the above analysis, this paper focuses on several aspects of China’s financial deepening reform under the great global financial changes and the trend of China’s mining capital market from “turning” to “recovery”, and finally puts forward some suggestions on the development of China’s mining capital market.


