
    Analysis of the chang characteristics of time and space and inversing ofsurface temperature of Daquanhu coal fire in south Junggar coalfield

    • 摘要: 本文采用2013~2016年每年11月份Landsat8影像数据,运用辐射传输方程(大气校正法)反演准南煤田大泉湖火区地表温度,分析该火区温度场时空变化特征。通过研究得到以下结论:在时间尺度上,研究区最高温度、平均温度和温度阈值变化趋势基本一致,最高值都出现在2016年;研究区温度异常区面积则大体上呈U型变化,2013年、2015年温度异常区面积较大;在空间尺度上,温度异常区呈东西走向不连续分布,研究期间温度异常区位置基本不变,温度异常区面积有所变化。


      Abstract: With the use of the Landsat8 data, the authors attempt to analyze the change of the surface temperature of Daquanhu coal fire which is based on the inversing of surface temperature of this coal fire.Result show that the max temperature, the average temperature and the threshold temperature have the same trend of change.The max temperature appears in 2016.The change trend of abnormal temperature area is mainly U-shaped, and the largest area was in 2013.The abnormal temperature area presents a discontinuous distribution with the change of areas.


