
    Analysis of the change of ground water level in Qitai oasis nearby eastern Junggar coalfield

    • 摘要: 根据准东矿区邻近奇台绿洲1983~2013年地下水位观测资料,对其变化趋势进行了分析,运用Surfer软件分析了奇台绿洲地下水埋深、地下水位和地下水流等分布特征,结果表明:近31年以来,研究区地下水位总体呈下降趋势,年均下降速率为0.51 m/a,其中,西部区域下降速率为0.65 m/a,东部区域下降速率为0.37 m/a;在西部区域形成了多处地下水位降落漏斗,且漏斗面积不断增加;东南区域地下水位高于西北区域,地下水总体呈由南向北流动;地下水位分布和地形分布特征基本一致,局部地形起伏处,地下水流大小和方向变化亦有相应变化;由南向北地下水埋深逐渐变浅;农业灌溉用水量不断增加是造成绿洲地下水位下降的主要原因。


      Abstract: According to the observing data of ground water level in the area of Qitai oasis nearby the eastern Junggar coalfield from 1983 to 2013, the change trend of the water level was analyzed by the use of the Surfer software. Results show that the average level of ground water in this area decreases with a speed of 0.51 meters per year, and the decreasing rates in west section and east section are different with the values of 0.65 meters per year and 0.37 meters per year respectively in past decades. In west section, the declining of the ground water level formed lots of depression cones and shows a continuous expanding area. The ground water level in south-east area is higher than that of north-west area. Generally, the ground water flows from the south part to the north part in this area. The distribution of the ground water level coincides with the terrains of this area with the same fluctuation. The ground water level also shows a trend of declining from the south part to the north part in this area. Agriculture water injection is the main reason for the change of ground water level in past decades.


