
    Classification of surrounding rock stability of coal roadway based on fuzzy clustering comprehensive analysis

    • 摘要: 为研究近距离煤层煤巷围岩稳定性分类及支护参数的合理选取,以相似地质条件矿井的巷道围岩力学性质参数作为分析样本,并依据模糊-聚类综合评判法,通过Matlab软件中的FCM工具函数进行围岩稳定性分类研究;结合矿井概况,提出巷道支护参数优化方案,通过围岩变形监测对优化方案进行验证。结果表明:神州煤业一采区运输巷属于第Ⅳ类不稳定巷道,模糊综合评价的结果对巷道支护参数的选取和围岩变形具有指导作用。


      Abstract: In order to study the classification of surrounding rock stability and the reasonable selection of supporting parameters in coal seams of closed coal seams, the mechanical properties of surrounding rock of mines with similar geological conditions are selected as analysis samples, and based on fuzzy-cluster comprehensive evaluation method, the FCM tool function of Matlab software is used to study the classification of surrounding rock stability.Combined with the general situation of the mine, the optimization scheme of the roadway support parameters is proposed.The optimization scheme is verified by the surrounding rock deformation monitoring.The results show that the transportation lane of the mining area of Shenzhou Coal Industry belongs to class Ⅳ unstable roadway, and the results of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation have a reliable guiding role in the selection of roadway support parameters and surrounding rock deformation.


