
    Influence of rheology of pillar on roof of stability of mined-out area

    • 摘要: 为研究岩石流变特性对采空区长期稳定的影响,基于Reissner厚板和流变力学理论构建了矿柱-顶板流变力学模型,并推导出顶板沉降位移关于流变时间的关系式;依据不同边界条件将顶板破坏过程划分为固支、固支-简支、简支和内部破坏四个阶段。研究结果表明:所建立的流变力学模型可用于对采空区稳定时间的预测,并为采空区及时处理提供参考。


      Abstract: In order to study the influence of rheological properties of rock mass on long-term stability of minted-out area, a rheological mechanics model of pillar-roof is constructed based on Reissner thick plate and rheological mechanics theory, and the equation of subsidence displacement of roof with respect to rheological time is derived.The roof failure process is divided into four stages:clamped-clamped, clamped-pinned, pinned-pinned and internal damage stage based on the different boundary conditions.The results show that the rheological mechanics model can be applied to predict the stabilization time of mined-out area and provide reference for timely processing.


