
    Technology of high-speed driving and outburst elimination by CO2 gas fracturing in Yuxi coal mine

    • 摘要: 玉溪煤矿首采工作面在煤巷掘进过程中,突出指标参数频繁超标,瓦斯异常涌出,瓦斯超限,导致被迫停产、掘进速度慢。为解决安全快速掘进的生产技术难题,玉溪煤矿开展CO2气相压裂消突快速掘进技术研究和试验。结果显示,采取气相压裂措施后,平均每百米巷道掘进K1值超标0.15次,较压裂前降低了11倍;掘进过程中瓦斯涌出趋于均匀化,瓦斯涌出浓度峰值相对降低,有效避免了瓦斯超限;巷道掘进日均进尺5.38 m,较气相压裂前(日均进尺2.79 m)巷道掘进速度提高了1.92倍。CO2气相压裂消突快速掘进技术有效保障了矿井安全和高效生产。


      Abstract: In the process of coal roadway driving in Yuxi coal mine, gas problems including outburst index parameters exceeding the standard frequently, gas abnormal emission, gas exceeding the limitation, result in forced shutdown and slowly driving.In order to solve this problem, the technology of high-speed roadway driving and outburst elimination by CO2 gas fracturing in Yuxi coal mine is studied.The results show the good effects as follows.After adopting CO2 gas fracturing, the average value of K1 exceeds the standard as 0.15 times per 100 m, which is 11 times lower than that before fracturing.Gas emission tends to be uniform and peak value of gas emission is relatively lower, which avoids gas exceeding the limit effectively.The average daily footage of roadway driving is 5.38 m, which is 1.92 times higher than that before gas fracturing.The technology of high-speed roadway driving and outburst elimination by CO2 gas fracturing can eliminate outburst effectively and guarantee mine safety and efficient production.


