
    Analysis of operation efficiency of crushing station in open pit mine

    • 摘要: 针对当前露天煤矿破碎站生产运行效率低、给料频率通过人工经验判断并控制的实际情况,全面分析影响破碎效率的因素,重点分析给料频率、受料仓料位高度、入料粒度和煤炭质量对破碎站破碎效率的影响,通过单因素分析和多元线性回归分析方法建立了给料频率、受料仓料位高度、入料粒度、煤炭质量以及破碎效率之间的多元线性回归方程,利用回归方程进行误差分析,结果表明多元线性回归方程可有效预测破碎效率。为提高破碎站运行可靠性,进一步对破碎站运行过程进行统计分析。通过对露天煤矿破碎站作业效率影响因素的分析,为实现破碎站破碎过程的智能控制与无人值守提供理论依据。


      Abstract: In view of the low production efficiency of the current crushing station, the feeding frequency judged by the actual experience of the manual experience, the factors affecting the crushing efficiency are comprehensively analyzed.The feed frequency, the material level of the receiving bin, the particle size of the feed and the coal quality on crushing efficiency of crushing station are analyzed.A multivariate regression equation between feed frequency, material level, feed size, coal quality and crushing efficiency is established by single factor analysis and multiple regression analysis.Error analysis is performed using regression equation.The results show that the multiple linear regression equation can effectively predict the crushing efficiency.In order to improve the reliability of the crushing station, the statistical analysis of the crushing station operation process is further carried out.Through the analysis of the influencing factors of the operation efficiency of the open pit coal mine crushing station, it provides a theoretical basis for the intelligent control and unattended operation of the crushing process of the crushing station.


