After tungsten ore dressing, a large amounts of tungsten ore tailing are produced.In order to make full use of the tungsten ore tailings for goaf filling, a study on the curing of tungsten ore tailings with sulfate activated slag powder and sulphoaluminate cement as cementing binder are carried out.The experiments are carried out by changing the flocculant content and curing environment.The results show that flocculant, mass change of test specimens and curing method all affect the compressive strength of test specimens after setting.Adding flocculant can increase the 3 d compressive strength of test specimens by 0.93 MPa.The more stable the rate of mass changes with extending over time, the higher the compressive strength develops, up to 5.03 MPa.Long-term curing in water can improve the compressive strength of specimens by 2.58 MPa.According to micro structure analysis of the test samples, increasing the content of binder and curing in water can increase the amount of hydration products of binder and improve the compressive strength of test specimens.