
    Study on the concreted properties and mechanism of filling materials of tungsten whole tailings

    • 摘要: 钨矿选矿后将产生大量的钨矿尾砂,为了更经济合理地固化钨矿尾砂,进行采空区充填,本文开展了碱激发胶凝材料和硫铝酸盐水泥作为充填胶结材料固化钨矿全尾砂的试验研究。采用不同絮凝剂含量和不同的养护方式进行试验,结果表明:絮凝剂使试体3 d抗压强度提高了0.93 MPa;试体随着时间延长其质量变化越稳定,抗压强度越高,最高达5.03 MPa;在水中长期养护的试体抗压强度比室内空气环境养护的提高了2.58 MPa。从固化试体的微观结构分析可知,增加充填胶结材料含量和水中养护均可增加充填胶结材料水化产物的生成量,从而提高了固化试体的抗压强度。


      Abstract: After tungsten ore dressing, a large amounts of tungsten ore tailing are produced.In order to make full use of the tungsten ore tailings for goaf filling, a study on the curing of tungsten ore tailings with sulfate activated slag powder and sulphoaluminate cement as cementing binder are carried out.The experiments are carried out by changing the flocculant content and curing environment.The results show that flocculant, mass change of test specimens and curing method all affect the compressive strength of test specimens after setting.Adding flocculant can increase the 3 d compressive strength of test specimens by 0.93 MPa.The more stable the rate of mass changes with extending over time, the higher the compressive strength develops, up to 5.03 MPa.Long-term curing in water can improve the compressive strength of specimens by 2.58 MPa.According to micro structure analysis of the test samples, increasing the content of binder and curing in water can increase the amount of hydration products of binder and improve the compressive strength of test specimens.


