
    Research on the development and governances of global sand resources

    • 摘要: 目前全球每年砂石资源需求量为400亿t, 过去20年,全球砂石需求量增长了3倍,预计2030年需求量可能增至每年600亿t。欧洲和北美洲砂石消费增长空间较小,亚太地区需求将继续快速增长,拉丁美洲地区和加勒比地区需求会再次增长,非洲需求有较大增长空间。目前缺乏对砂石资源开发利用引起物理影响的量化研究,可以肯定,砂石资源开采会重塑自然景观、影响桥梁等基础设施,砂石运输会消耗能源并排放温室气体。在世界许多地方,砂石资源是开采量最大但监管治理力度最小的资源,从而引发社会、政治、经济、环境、监管等多元挑战。根据各国相关法律法规,欧洲、美国、加拿大等大多数西方国家和地区已没有大规模河砂开采活动;印度、马来西亚、柬埔寨、南非等采砂活动频繁国家存在治理窘境。


      Abstract: It’s estimated that the world’s annual consumption of aggregates exceeds 40 billion tons.Global demand for sand has tripled in the past 20 years.Demand for aggregates is likely to continue to increase in the future.In Europe and North America, there is less room for sand consumption to grow.In the Asia-Pacific region, demand will continue to grow rapidly.In Latin America and the Caribbean, demand will grow.At present, there is a lack of quantitative research on the physical impact caused by the development and utilization of sand and gravel resources, and the physical impact has not been linked with the impact of the ecological environment.To be sure, sand and gravel mining will reshape natural landscapes and affect infrastructure such as bridges, while sand and gravel transportation will consume energy and emit greenhouse gases.In many parts of the world, sand and gravel resources are the resources with the largest amount of exploitation but the least intensity of regulation and governance, thus causing social, political, economic, environmental, regulatory and other diverse challenges.According to relevant laws and regulations of various countries, most western countries and regions such as Europe, the United States, and Canada have not seen large-scale river sand mining activities.India, Malaysia, Cambodia, South Africa and other countries with frequent sand mining activities face governance dilemmas.


