
    Study on overburden movement and surface subsidence law of mining shallow coal seam panel in mountainous area

    • 摘要: 为了提高山区地貌下浅埋煤层工作面开采的安全性,减少山体滑坡等地质灾害的发生,以纳雍县普洒煤矿11101工作面为工程背景,应用数值模拟和物理模拟的方法,研究山区浅埋煤层综采工作面覆岩运动及地表沉陷规律。结果表明:①工作面直接顶初次垮落步距为30 m,基本顶初次来压步距约为50 m,基本顶周期来压步距平均约为20 m;②工作面推进至50 m左右时,工作面开采影响波及到地表;③基本顶下沉量最大为2.13 m,地表下沉值最大为1.45 m,地表水平移动值最大为0.27 m。山区地貌下浅埋煤层工作面开采显现出独特的沉陷形式,地表沉陷曲线呈现U型,工作面距地表越远,岩层弯曲变形幅度越大,工作面距地表越近,对地表的影响程度越大,研究成果可为类似工作面安全开采提供借鉴。


      Abstract: In order to increase the mining safety of shallow coal seam working face in mountainous area and reduce the occurrence of landslide and other geological disasters, taking 11101 working face of Pusa coal mine in Nayong county as the engineering background, the laws of overburden caving and surface subsidence of fully mechanized mining face in shallow coal seam in mountainous area are studied by using numerical simulation and physical simulation method.The results show that the first caving step distance of the direct roof is 30 m, the first weighting step distance of the basic roof is about 50 m, and the average periodic weighting step distance of the basic roof is about 20 m; when the working face advances to about 50 m, the mining impact of the working face spreads to the surface; the maximum basic roof subsidence is 2.13 m, the maximum surface subsidence value is 1.45 m, and the maximum surface horizontal movement value is 0.27 m.The mining of shallow coal seam working face under mountainous landform shows a unique form of subsidence, and the surface subsidence curve presents a U shape.The farther the working face is from the surface, the greater the bending deformation range of rock stratum is, and the closer the working face is to the surface, the greater the impact on the surface.The research results can provide reference for the safe mining of similar working face.


