
    Research on the vibration reduction effect of water uncoupled charges in underwater drilling and blasting

    • 摘要: 为了研究水不耦合装药爆破在水下爆破中的减振效应,以减少对邻近建筑物等被保护对象的危害,分别采用理论推导和现场试验方法,研究了水不耦合装药爆破振动的衰减规律。在理论推导中,根据牛顿第三定律、介质连续条件和波的动量守恒定律,通过计算波阻抗比,分别推导了水不耦合装药爆破和耦合装药爆破两种情况下,炸药爆炸冲击波在水体和岩体之间反射、透射之后的质点振动速度,得出水不耦合装药爆破爆炸冲击波传入岩体内的质点振动速度衰减率。计算结果表明,水不耦合装药爆破炸药爆炸冲击波经水体传入岩体后,岩体质点振动速度仅为炸药质点振动速度的3.8%;与耦合装药爆破相比,岩石质点振动速度减少93.10%。现场实验结果表明,综合采取水不耦合装药、逐孔起爆、精确限定单孔装药量和一次起爆最大装药量,以及其他减震措施,基于实测的爆破振动数据,动态优化调整爆破参数,减少了爆破振动和水中冲击波对被保护物的危害,保障了爆破质量和工程进度。无论是理论推导还是现场试验,均表明水不耦合装药爆破在水下爆破中具有明显的减振作用,计算得出的质点振动速度衰减率具有理论指导意义,而在现场试验获得的实际效果,为水下爆破工程的振动控制,提供了实践经验和借鉴,并形成了一套水下钻孔水不耦合装药爆破技术施工工艺。


      Abstract: In order to study the vibration reduction effect of water uncoupled charges in underwater blasting and reduce the harm to the protected objects such as adjacent buildings, theoretical derivation and field experiments are used to investigate the attenuation law of blasting vibration of water uncoupled charges. In theoretical derivation, based on Newton’s Third Law, the continuity condition of the medium, and the law of conservation of momentum of waves, the particle vibration velocity of the explosive shock wave after reflection and transmission between water and rock mass under two conditions of water uncoupled charge and coupled charge is derived by calculating the wave impedance ratio. The attenuation rate of the particle vibration velocity of the explosive shock wave transmitted into the rock mass under water uncoupled charge is obtained. The calculation results show that after the shock wave of the water uncoupled explosive is transmitted into the rock mass through the water body, the vibration velocity of the rock mass particles is only 3.8% of the vibration velocity of the explosive particles. Compared with the coupled charge, the vibration velocity of rock particles is reduced by 93.10%. The on-site experimental results show that by comprehensively adopting water uncoupled charge, hole by hole detonation, precise limitation of single hole charge and maximum charge for one detonation, and other shock absorption measures, based on measured blasting vibration data, dynamic adjustment of blasting parameters reduces the harm of blasting vibration and water shock waves to the protected object, ensuring blasting quality and engineering progress. Both theoretical derivation and field experiments have shown that water uncoupled charges have a significant vibration reduction effect in underwater blasting. The calculated attenuation rate of particle vibration velocity has theoretical guidance significance. The actual results obtain from field experiments provide practical experience and reference for vibration control in underwater blasting engineering, and form a set of construction technology for underwater drilling water uncoupled charge blasting.


