
    Study on the monitoring of the mineral resources planning in northern of Yunnan province

    • 摘要: 矿产资源规划作为监督管理矿产资源勘查、开采活动的重要依据,对监管矿业秩序,转变资源利用与管理方式,保障矿产资源可持续利用起着重要的作用。本文基于高分卫星遥感影像数据,结合GIS信息平台,建立矿山露天开采、地下开采、矿山环境恢复治理遥感解译标志,并系统全面地分析矿产资源勘查、开发利用、地质环境保护与恢复治理的规划执行情况,对云南省北部地区《矿产资源总体规划(2008~2015年)》(简称二轮规划)进行了监测,针对规划存在的问题提出了相应的建议。二轮规划监测结果为云南省矿政管理提供基础数据,同时为《矿产资源总体规划(2016~2020年)》(简称三轮规划)方案的制定提供可视化的信息参考。


      Abstract: As an important basis for supervision and management of mineral resources exploration and mining activities,mineral resources planning plays an important role in regulating mining order,changing the way of resource utilization and management,and ensuring the sustainable utilization of mineral resources.Based on the data of high score satellite remote sensing image and the GIS software platform,this paper establishes the remote sensing interpretation sign of mine open pit mining,underground mining and mine environmental restoration management,and systematically and comprehensively analyzes the implementation of the planning the mineral resources exploration,development and utilization,geological environment protection and restoration management,monitoring the northern part of Yunnan province “Master Plan for Mineral Resources (2008-2015)” and put forward the corresponding suggestions on the existing problems of the planning.The results of the second round of planning monitoring provide the basic data for the mine management in Yunnan province,and provide a visual reference for the formulation of the “Master Plan for Mineral Resources (2016-2020)” .


