
    Characteristics of geological and major mineral resources of the Tsaratanana greenstone belts in Madasgascar island

    • 摘要: 马达加斯加岛中北部地区发育三条南北向展布的绿岩带,统称为Tsaratanana绿岩带。该带形成于晚太古界,主要由镁铁质和长英质片麻岩、片岩组成,在晚元古界遭受强烈的岩浆侵入,并发生变质变形作用,对其形成和演化的研究可以为研究地球早期信息和罗迪尼亚、冈瓦纳等超大陆的演化提供信息。该绿岩带蕴藏丰富的金、铁、铬铁、镍、钒钛等矿产资源,其中与太古代变质岩系有关的有石英脉型金矿和BIF铁矿,而铬铁矿、镍(钴)、钒钛磁铁矿等与晚元古界镁铁质-超镁铁质侵入岩有关。另外, 还有大量的残积型-冲积型砂金矿。


      Abstract: Three north-south greenstone belts are developed in the northern part of Madagascar island, known as the Tsaratanana greenstone belts collectively.The belts formed in the late Archean, mainly composed of mafic and felsic gneiss, schist, intruded by the late Proterozoic magma intensely, and metamorphosed and deformed.Study on its formation and evolution could provide information for the study of the earth’s early information and the Rodinia and Gondwana supercontinent evolution.The greenstone belts are rich in gold, iron, nickel, vanadium titanium and other mineral resources.The quartz vein type gold deposit and BIF iron ore are related with the Archean metamorphic rocks, and the chromium and nickel(cobalt), vanadium titanium magnetite associated with late Proterozoic mafic-ultramafic complex.There are also a large number of the residual- alluvial type placer gold.


