
    Suggestions for exploration rights occupancy fee reform

    • 摘要: 为维护国家矿产资源权益,我国在矿业权占用环节征收矿业权占用费,而现阶段研讨的矿业权占用费征收办法中探矿权占用费标准模型未考虑海域油气实物勘查投入大、勘探周期长、探矿权持证时间久的特点,不适应油价动态变化和海域油气勘探实践。建议:建立高中低油价体系下的探矿权占用费标准;在中油价下保持探矿权占用费为勘查投入要求5%的比例不变,低门槛起征,十个勘查年度内费用标准不超过目前矿权使用费标准,之后每五个勘查年度梯度提高;有序退还探矿权面积,保持大型国有油气公司主导地位;重新计算现持证探矿权的勘查年度;制定深海海域探矿权占用费减免办法。


      Abstract: West south sea oil and gas exploration need a large input and long cycle, while the exploration rights occupancy fee standards under discussing have not considered those characteristics above, does not fit the dynamic adjustment of oil price, nor the status of the present exploration right.Suggestions:to set fee standards basing on high-mid-low oil price system; to keep occupancy fee/exploration input ratio 5% at the middle oil price, impose low fee at the beginning, keep the fee not exceeding the present use fee in the first ten years, increase occupancy fee every five years since; to keep exploration rights return orderly; to recount exploration year of the present exploration rights; to develop fee relief for deep sea.


