
    Study on the relationship between oil and gas producing scale and profits

    • 摘要: 为了厘清油气生产规模与石油公司总体效益之间的关系,识别不同油价下油气产量界限,为生产经营决策提供依据,本文将油气生产完全成本划分为固定成本和可变成本,提出了油气生产成本利润曲线和累计单位成本曲线,定义了五个产量界限:盈亏平衡产量、单位成本最低产量、利润最大产量、利润为正最大产量、最大产量。基于油田模拟数据对上述理论进行了实证研究。结果显示,根据规模与效益的关系可将油田分为效益类、无效类和低效类三类。


      Abstract: In order to demonstrate the relationship between oil and gas production scale and the overall profit of oil companies, to identify producing limits under different oil price and to provide basis for production and operation decisions, this paper defines variable cost and fixed cost of oil and gas production, and puts forward the cost-profit curve and cumulative-average-cost curve of oil and gas production.Based on these two curves, five producing limits are defined, respectively breakeven production, minimum average cost production, maximum profit production, maximum production with positive profit, and maximum production.Empirical study based on simulation data of different oilfields shows that oilfields can be categorized into three groups according to the relationship between production and profit:profitable oilfields, non-profitable oilfields and low-profit oilfields.


