
    Mineral compositionanalysis of rock image based on deep learning feature extraction

    • 摘要: 采用深度学习方法进行岩石识别,收集15种常见岩石的图像数据,基于卷积神经网络构建岩石识别深度学习模型,达到63%的识别准确率。分析岩石识别结果,白云岩、灰岩和大理岩等矿物成分接近的岩石容易互相误判,说明矿物成分对于岩石识别是很重要的特征。进一步对卷积神经网络学习过程中产生的特征图分析,成功提取了多种类型岩石中的矿物,如花岗岩中的石英、长石、云母等矿物,闪长岩中的角闪石、斜长石等矿物,千枚岩中的绢云母等矿物,说明深度学习方法能有效提取岩石的矿物成分特征,也说明深度学习方法对于岩石识别的有效性,同时有助于按矿物成分进行岩石定名。对岩石识别是有效的。


      Abstract: Deep learning was used for rock identification.The image data of 15 kinds of common rocks were collected, and a deep learning model of rock recognition was constructed based on a convolutional neural network.The rock identification accuracy rate reached 63%.Analysis of rock identification results, dolomite, limestone, marble, gabbro and basalt rock which have close mineral composition were easy to mistake each other, so the characteristics of the mineral composition was very important for rock identification.Further more, the feature map produced in the learning process of convolution neural network was analyzed, and the minerals from various types of rocks were extracted successfully, such as quartz, feldspar and mica in granite, amphibole and plagioclase in diorite, sericite and other minerals in phyllite.The results showed that the deep learning method could effectively extract the mineral composition feature of rock, and the deep learning could effectively identify the rock, and it was helpful to identify the rock according to the mineral composition.


