
    Experimental study on the flowing law of high concentration tailing slurry

    • 摘要: 文章针对某矿山经旋流分级处理后的细尾砂开展了高浓度流淌试验和流变参数测试分析,在大量试验工作的基础上,深入分析了尾砂浆的流淌规律,结合流变参数对矿山尾砂流动性质进行了深入分析。研究认为高浓度尾砂浆的流动特性与低浓度下尾砂浆的流动性质迥异,主要原因在于,高浓度尾砂浆体颗粒表明形成丰富的水化膜,这种水化膜作用使得整个体系流变具有较强的黏性而接近软固体,而较低浓度尾砂浆的流动性则分割为流体和散体性质,在流动规律上,前者是以一种"分层铺盖"的方式流淌,而后者的流淌规律更接近"推移"式。


      Abstract: Using the high concentration tailing slurry which from classifier, flume test and rheological test, has been experimented, and deeply analysis about the law of flowing has been taken.Combining with rheological parameters of slurry, this paper found that there are different flowing characteristics between higher concentration tailing slurry and lower concentration tailing slurry, the main reason is that higher slurry has abundant hydration shell around fine tailings, which result in an obviously viscous of the flowing slurry system, so it's flowing characteristic is similar to soft-solid, contrarily, lower concentration tailing slurry has been totally segregate to be fluid and granular by free water.At the style of flowing, the higher concentration tailing slurry moving as a "sheet and cover" way, yet, the lower one showing a "squeeze and push" type.


