
    Current status of rare earth resources in China and strategies for its sustainable development

    • 摘要: 稀土已成为21世纪国民经济、国防工业、高新技术等诸多领域不可或缺的战略性矿产资源。中国稀土资源丰富,类型齐全,分布范围广且相对集中,资源储量、年产量、出口量、消费量均长期占据世界第一位, 但也存在着可采储量增长缓慢、资源消耗过快、出口依存度高、环境破坏、稀土综合回收利用不高、科技创新不足和价格偏低等问题。本文从可持续发展的角度出发对我国稀土资源的开发利用提出了优化产业结构、加大科研投入、加强出口管理、建立战略储备、促进境外勘查和入库稀土实物地质资料等建议。


      Abstract: In the 21st century, rare earth, as a kind of strategic mineral resources, has become indispensable in the economy, industry of national defense, as well as high technology.China is rich in rare earth resources, with a complete range of types, which are widely dispersed in relatively concentrated areas.China ranks the first in the world for a long time in its reserves, annual outputs, export volumes and consumptions of rare earth resources.However, such problems still exist as the slow growth of recoverable reserves, excessive consumption, high dependence on exports, environmental damage, low comprehensive utilization of rare earth resources, as well as inadequate scientific and technological innovation and low prices.In this paper, the authors proposed some strategies to promote a healthy and sustainable development and utilization of rare earth resources through optimizing the industrial structure, increasing investment in scientific research, strengthening export management, building a strategic reserve, promoting overseas exploration and preserving the cores and samples.


