
    Countermeasures to promote the development of China's shale gas industry

    • 摘要: 我国页岩气产业已经步入了快速发展期,但目前整体上还处于起步阶段,依然面临市场开拓难度大、投入成本高、深层技术有待突破、体制机制仍需深化改革、管网建设滞后等多重挑战,需从提高市场开拓能力、加强技术攻关、完善体制机制、完善管网建设系统等方面综合施策,推进页岩气产业发展。


      Abstract: In China, shale gas industry has entered rapid development period, but on the whole it is still in its early stage, and there are many challenges, such as market development is difficult, input costs are high, deep technology needs to be broken, institutional mechanisms still needs to be deepened, etc.It is necessary to combine the application of these aspects to promote the shale gas development, such as improving the ability to expand the market, strengthening technical breakthrough, improving the institutional mechanism, constructing the pipeline network to form construction system, etc.


