
    Automatic analysis and flotation separation of gangue minerals in refractory coal slime

    • 摘要: 太原某选煤厂用煤油作为捕收剂处理焦煤难选煤泥,煤泥脉石结构复杂,煤油针对性差,浮精回收率仅为65%左右。本文利用矿物自动分析系统(AMCS)对该难选煤泥脉石矿物组成和结构进行分析,以植物油和烃油为原料,研制了有针对性的新捕收剂。新捕收剂实验室浮精回收率达到88.7%,工业应用达到78%,解决了该厂精煤回收率低、煤油易燃易爆的问题。同时新捕收剂来源广,价格低,可再生,对于国内难选煤泥浮选厂具有重要意义。


      Abstract: A coal preparation plant in Taiyuan city used kerosene oil as collector to separate refractory coking coal slime.Due to the complex structure of the coal gangue and the poor pertinence of kerosene oil, the floatation recovery rate was only about 65%.In this paper, the mineral composition and structure of the refractory slime gangue are analyzed by using the automatic mineral characterization system (AMCS), and a new targeted collector was developed using vegetable oil and hydrocarbon oil.The laboratory floatation recovery rate reached 88.7%, and the industrial application reached 78%, which solved the low flotation recovery rate and the flammable and explosive of kerosene oil.Otherwise, the new collector has a wide sources, low prices, and renewable.It is a great significance for the domestic coal slime flotation plant.


