
    Groundwater vulnerability assessment of open-pit coal mine insteppe area based on DRTIC-SL

    • 摘要: 本文以北电胜利1号露天煤矿为研究区,采用含水层埋深、含水层净补给量、地形坡度、包气带效应、含水层渗透系数、距采场中心距离和土地类型七个参数,形成改进的DRTIC-SL模型评估地下水脆弱性,并基于空间数据分析基本理论与ArcGIS、Geoda等软件的制图、信息提取及空间分析功能,讨论研究区地下水脆弱性的空间分布格局及关联关系。结果表明:研究区内非常低脆弱性、低脆弱性、中等脆弱性、高脆弱性、非常高脆弱性占比分别为19.09%、20.58%、34.17%、20.95%和5.21%;非常高脆弱区域主要分布在采场及排土场范围内;DRTIC-SL模型适合草原区大型露天矿地下水脆弱性评价;研究区地下水脆弱性具有明显的空间自相关性。研究结果为草原露天矿区地下水保护措施的提出提供了重要依据。


      Abstract: Taking the No.1 open coal mine as the research area, using seven parameters, aquifer depth, net recharge, topography, impact of the vadose zone, permeability coefficient, slope distance and land type, the improved DRTIC-SL evaluation model was constructed to evaluate the vulnerability of groundwater.Based on theory of spatial data analysis, mapping, information extraction and spatial statistics of ArcGIS and Geoda, the spatial distribution characteristics and spatial correlation pattern of the groundwater vulnerability of Shengli open-pit mine are discussed.The results showed that the proportions of the lowest vulnerability, low vulnerability, moderate vulnerability, high vulnerability, and the highest vulnerability in the study area were 19.09%, 20.58%, 34.17%, 20.95%, and 5.21%; the highest-vulnerable areas were mainly distributed in the stope and dump; DRTIC-SL model was suitable for groundwater vulnerability evaluation of large-scale open-pit mines in steppe region; in the study area, there was obvious spatial autocorrelation.The study provided an important basis for the proposal of groundwater protection measures in the open-pit mining area in steppe region.


