In a quartz vein type tungsten deposit, the orebody dip average is 20°, the vein thickness is 0.3-0.8 m, it is using the shrinkage method.After more than 20 years mining,left a large number of point pillars and mine goafs, and adjacent goafs, as well as the adjacent middle of the mined-out area has basically been formed into an empty zone complex.With the extension of exposure time, the stress concentration in stope, the hidden danger of goafs, and the waste of pillars resources.In order to ensure the safety and sustainable development of stoping, at the same time, the residual pillars are recovered, the pillar recovery process and stope filling technology are determined by studying the allowable exposed area of stope roof, combined with mining technology condition and filling technology, and the numerical analysis of stope pillar recovery stability is carried out according to the recovery scheme of test stope.It is proved that the scheme of the point pillar filling stoping is safe and feasible, and to provide guidance for the management of mine goafs and the safety recovery of point pillars.