
    Characteristics of the distribution of overlying rock fractures associated with the mining of super-thick coal seam in eastern Junggar coalfield

    • 摘要: 针对准东巨厚煤层典型赋存特征,选取大井矿区为研究对象,构建了巨厚煤层开采力学模型,模拟研究不同开采方式采场覆岩裂隙分布特征。结果表明:在采场应力的控制下,工作面前方覆岩裂隙由原岩裂隙区依次演化为原岩裂隙闭合区、微裂隙发育区、裂隙快速发育区、破断裂隙发育区、离层裂隙发育区、裂隙逐渐闭合区;覆岩主关键层是覆岩裂隙发育程度高低的分界线,其也会控制覆岩裂隙发育高度;巨厚煤层开采覆岩裂隙主要分布于采空区两侧,且沿岩层破断线呈“八”字形分布,并随工作面推进呈现周期演化,其是覆岩含水层水体向采场渗流的关键通道,对矿井的安全生产至关重要;从保水采煤角度考虑,放顶煤分层开采对覆岩含水层扰动影响较大采高分层开采小。


      Abstract: In order to investigate the evolution of the overlying rock fractures associated the mining of super-thick coal seam mining in Dajing mining area of eastern Junggar coalfield, the authors studied the fracturing characteristics of overlying rocks for different mining methods by using numerical method.The results show that the overlying strata in front of the working face were consequently divided into as the original rock fracture zone, the fracture closure zone, the micro-fracture zone, the rapid fracturing zone, the fault zone, the roof-separating zone, the gradually fracture-closing area which was controlled by rock stress.It also show the heights of the overlying fractures were controlled by the main key-strata of the overlying rocks.The fractures mainly exist on both sides of the mined-out area in the overlying strata, and the fractures show a “八” type distribution along the fracture lines of the rock strata.With the advancement of the working face, the fractures show periodical change in the overlying strata.Overlying rock fractures are the key channel for seepage of overburden aquifer to working face.From the perspective of water conservation, roof-coal-caved sublevel mining method causes little disturbances to overlying aquifers than that of sublevel mining method.


