
    Analysis and countermeasures in writing the Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Plan

    • 摘要: 矿产资源开发利用方案的编制和审查一直是矿业权管理工作的一项重要内容,它不仅是采矿权审批登记的前提条件,也在保护和合理开发利用矿产资源方面发挥着积极的导引作用。然而,目前在开发利用方案的编制中也存在一些问题,矿山企业重视程度不够、编写单位业务水平有待提升、没有明确定位、承载内容过多等。因此,主管部门应明确矿产资源开发利用方案的定位,适当简化环境保护、水土保持、土地复垦和安全生产等章节,并对矿产资源开发利用方案的编制内容和审查大纲进行修改完善,进一步规范和明确编制内容与审查要求。


      Abstract: To write and examine the Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Plan is an important content for the management of mining rights.It is not only a precondition to apply for the mining rights, and also plays a position role in a way to protect and exploit mineral resources reasonably.But there are also some problems in writing Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Plan, for example the lack of attention, the unclear orientation, the uneven quality, an excess of contents and so on.So the competent department should give the Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Plan a clear positioning, simplify the content of the environmental protection, soil and water conservation, land reclamation, and production safety appropriately.The content and outline of the Mineral Resources Development and Utilization Plan should be modified and consummated.


