
    Study on prevention of CO concentration exceeding in fully mechanized caving face by pressure ventilation technology

    • 摘要: 针对串草圪旦矿6煤层6106综放工作面CO异常涌出问题,本文系统全面地分析了该区域采空区的自燃危险性,提出采取均压通风等综合技术措施,将CO浓度控制在安全值范围内。结果表明:工作面在回采期间,采空区漏风量始终控制在1 m3/s以下,风压始终稳定在430~480 Pa之间,保障了均压通风系统安全平稳,使工作面得以安全生产。


      Abstract: In this paper, the anomalies of CO emission in the 6106 fully mechanized top coal caving face in the 6 coal seam of Chuancao Gedan mine are studied.Through systematic and comprehensive analysis and research on the risk of spontaneous combustion in mined out area in this area, comprehensive measures such as pressure equalizing and ventilation on working face are adopted to control the concentration of CO below the safety value.During the mining period, the air leakage in the goaf is controlled below 1 m3/s and the wind pressure is stable between 430 Pa and 480 Pa.It ensures the stability and reliability of the pressure equalizing ventilation system, and ensures the safe production of the working face.


