
    Discussion on the scoping of reserve from the overlap problem ofmining rights in nature reserve

    • 摘要: 自然保护区范围及功能区划分是管理部门日常管理和有效保护的基础。据统计分析,在全国2 740个自然保护区中,只有60%的保护区有明确范围边界。本文通过自然保护区矿业权退出引发的自然保护区矿业权重叠、范围界定、边界划定等问题,借鉴国外自然保护区内矿业权处置政策,从完善自然保护区立法、范围界定、科学调整自然保护区,探索自然保护区与自然资源勘查开发共存的绿色发展模式等方面提出建议。


      Abstract: The division of the nature reserve range and function areas is the basis for the daily management and effective protection of the management department.According to statistical analysis, only 60% of the 2 740 nature reserves in the country have clear boundaries.In this paper, the authors analyze the problems of mining rights overlap, the scope definition, boundary delineation, and other issues in nature reserve, which are triggered by the withdrawal of mining rights in nature reserve, and draws on mining rights disposal policy in foreign nature reserve.Finally, the authors make recommendations from the aspects of improving the legislation, scoping, scientific adjustment of nature reserve, and exploring the green development model of the coexistence of nature reserve and natural resources exploration and development.


