A large number of reclaimed abandoned oil wells are distributed in Binhai New Area.Analyzing the successful transformation of three abandoned wells, combined with the characteristics of geothermal storage in the area, the paper discusses the intensive development of geothermal resources.The experimental parameters of the maximum 64 m
3/h for the instantaneous recharge volume of the recharge well and the experimental parameters of the stable recharge well 60 m
3/h are obtained by the “one mining two irrigation” development model in the area.The demonstration project of oil well transformation and irrigation is established, which is of great guiding significance for the development of geothermal resources in the Binhai New Area.The target layer of perforation is the Neogene Guantao group III section.It is predicted that the oil well water temperature after the transformation is from 55 ℃ to 70 ℃,the water inflow of the single well is from 50 m
3/h to 80 m
3/h, which can effectively realize the balance of mining and irrigation, and ensure the sustainable exploitation and utilization of geothermal resources.