
    Construction and implementation mode on school enterprise joint practicebase of mineral processing

    • 摘要: 校外实习实践是高校培养和提升工科专业学生工程素养的桥梁和纽带。本文立足矿物加工工程专业学科,依照国际工程教育的培养体系和矿物加工工程专业学科特色,着重探讨和实践了我校适应卓越工程人才和国际工程教育的人才培养思路,加强校企实践过程人才培养的融合与互补的实践过程,共同实现高校人才培养和实习企业科技创新及资信提升的共赢效果。


      Abstract: Curricular practices outside university is a bridge and link to cultivate and improve engineering literacy of engineering students in colleges and universities.Based on the discipline of mineral processing engineering and in accordance with the training system of international engineering education and the characteristics of mineral processing engineering discipline, this paper focuses on discussing and practicing the train of thought of talents training adapted to excellent engineering talents and international engineering education, strengthening the integration and complementarity of talents training in the process of school-enterprise practice, and jointly realizing win-win effects of the training and practice and enterprise scientific and technological of talents in colleges and universities, innovation and credit enhancement.


