
    Analysis on the trend and future opportunities of China's outward foreign direct investment in mining industry

    • 摘要: 中国矿业积极推动实施“走出去”战略,为我国经济社会的快速发展提供了资源保障。2002~2017年的对外直接投资情况显示,采矿业在我国对外直接投资活动中曾一度占据主导地位,但近两年占比却微乎其微;而地勘业对外直接投资在逐渐增长。我国矿业海外投资取得了一定成效,但与国际矿业大国相比还存在一定差距。未来我国经济进入高质量发展阶段,对矿产品的需求仍旧巨大,仅通过国内解决矿产资源安全供应已无可能。全球矿业低谷期为我国矿业海外投资并购提供了难得的机遇,应继续坚持并加大矿业“走出去”力度,保障我国矿产资源安全供应。


      Abstract: China's mining industry actively promotes the implementation of the going-out strategy, which provides a resource guarantee for the rapid development of China's economy and society.From 2002 to 2017, the changes of China's outward foreign direct investment(OFDI) in mining industry show that mining industry once occupied a dominant position in China's OFDI activities, but in the past two years, its proportion was negligible.And the OFDI of geological exploration industry grows gradually.China's mining industry overseas investment has obtained the certain result, but compared with the big international mining industry country also has certain disparity.In the future, China's economy will enter a stage of high-quality development, and the demand for mineral products is still huge.It is impossible to solve the problem of safe supply of mineral resources only through domestic supply.The global mining downturn provides a rare opportunity for China's mining overseas investment and acquisition.To continue to adhere to and increase the strength of mining to go out is the only choice to ensure the safe supply of China's mineral resources.


