
    Review and prospect of market-oriented reform of China’s mining rights transfer system

    • 摘要: 矿业权出让制度市场化改革是生态文明体制改革的重要内容,是加快完善社会主义市场经济体制和增强国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的必然要求。本文在梳理矿业权出让制度理论和改革实践基础上,提出中国矿业权出让矛盾的焦点在于矿业权出让管理中政府管控与市场化配置需求之间的不协调。中国矿业权出让制度市场化改革,坚持矿产资源国家所有是改革的基本前提,理顺政府和市场关系是改革的核心,推进市场化配置是改革的指针和方向,科学诊断矿业权出让中政府规制和市场化配置存在的问题是改革的着力点。矿业权出让制度市场化改革趋势是建立权责明晰的矿产资源产权制度,变革矿业权出让管理中政府的“越位”“错位”“缺位”和培育统一、开放、竞争、有序、成熟的矿业权出让市场体系。


      Abstract: Market-oriented reform of mining rights transfer is an important part of comprehensively deepening the ecological civilization system reform, which is of significance for accelerating the improvement of socialist market economic system, modernization of national governance system and governance capacity.Combing the theory and practices of mining rights transfer management, this paper points out that the focus of the mining rights transfer management problems is the mismatch between government-led-management and market allocation demand.Concerning the market-oriented reform of mining rights transfer management in China, adhering to the state ownership of mineral resources is the basic premise, straightening out the relationship between the government and the market is the focus, market allocation is the pointer and the direction, and scientific diagnosis of mining rights transfer problems in government regulation and the market allocation is the focal point.China’s market-oriented mining rights transfer management reform trend is to change government’s “offside”“dislocation” and “absent” in mining rights transfer management and cultivate fair, open, competitive, orderly and mature mining rights transfer market on the basis of establishing clear responsibilities of the property rights of mineral resources.


