
    Study on the market-benchmark price of mining rights transfer proceeds of building stone in Zhejiang province

    • 摘要: 浙江省矿产资源总体丰欠并存,能源矿产匮乏,金属矿产不足,非金属矿产丰富。长期以来,浙江省逐步形成了以建筑用石料为主的矿产开发格局,建筑石料是浙江省主要矿产,因此,建筑石料采矿权出让收益市场基准价的制定对浙江省矿业权管理意义重大。在资料收集、调查研究、典型矿山调研、专题研讨论证的基础上,按照矿石类型、矿石质量、矿石品级等,把浙江省建筑石料矿划分为普通建筑石料、优质建筑石料和宕碴三个亚矿种,并通过调查研究法、数理统计分析法、类比研究法等方法,分三类地区制定建筑石料采矿权出让收益市场基准价。


      Abstract: The mineral resources of Zhejiang province are abundance and shortage coexisting, and the energy minerals and metal resources are scarce, the non-metallic minerals are abundant.For a long time, Zhejiang province has gradually formed a mineral exploitation pattern based on building stone and building stone is the main mineral resources of Zhejiang province, therefore the establishment of the market-benchmark price of mining rights transfer proceeds of building stone is vital to the management of mining rights in Zhejiang province.Based on data collection, investigation, visitation of typical mines, discussion and argumentation, this paper divides building stone of Zhejiang province into ordinary building stone, high quality building stone and slag according to ore type, ore quality, ore grade and so on.Through the investigation and research method, mathematical statistics analysis method, analogy research method and other methods, this paper formulates the market-benchmark price of mining rights transfer proceeds of building stone in three kinds of areas.


