
    Chinese mining history is a valuable resource for ideological and political education of new era college students:value and development of educational resources in mining bases

    • 摘要: 在中国矿业开发历史过程中,逐步积淀形成爱国、报国、强国,不畏艰难,科技创造的中国矿业精神。今天在讨论资源枯竭型矿山和城市转型中,应将中国矿业史中矿业先驱们的宝贵精神资源予以认真梳理,充分挖掘。现存的典型矿产品、生产物件、坑道采场、运输工具等物化载体中所蕴藏的教育资源,具有鲜明的历史性、现实性、理论性和实践性,有助于政治话语和学术话语的融通转化,促进新时代大学生对社会主义核心价值观的认同,坚定社会主义理想信念。将矿业基地的思政教育资源开发,纳入工业旅游和研学基地的产业转型规划中具有重要的现实意义。


      Abstract: In the history of Chinese mining development, the accumulated spirit of Chinese mining, such as loving the country, serving the country, strengthening the country, despising difficulties, sacrificing and devoting, advancing science and technology has gradually formed.Today, we discuss the transformation of resource-exhausted mines and cities, the history of Chinese mining industry and the valuable spiritual resources of mining pioneers should be carefully sorted out and fully explored.The existing educational resources contained in the physical carriers, such as typical mineral products, production objects, mine stopes and transportation vehicles, are of distinctive historical and practical significance, and theoretical and practical significance.It is conducive to integrating and transforming of political discourse and academic discourse, to promoting college students’ identification of socialist core values from the bottom of their hearts, and to firming up socialist ideals and beliefs.Therefore, the cultivation of ideological and political education resources in mining base should be integrated into the industrial transformation planning of industrial tourism and research base.


