
    Discussion on the framework of mineral resources balance sheet

    • 摘要: 矿产资源是耗竭性的自然资源,不可再生且开发利用具有负外部性,探索编制矿产资源资产负债表并推进其管理应用,对于推进落实习近平生态文明思想具有重要的理论和实践意义。针对当前矿产资源资产负债表编制存在的理论不清、方法不一、技术不实、数据不全等问题,本文在自然资源资产负债表研究的基础上,借鉴国内外自然资源和环境经济核算理论与技术方法,结合矿产资源储量、矿业权出让、收益和生态修复治理等管理流程,坚持国家立场和权责对等,重塑了矿产资源资产负债表编制框架和计量方法,并提出将环境变迁纳入经济增长评价体系,将资产负债表归口自然资源部管理,并提高填报率和确保结果准确可追溯等对策建议。


      Abstract: Mineral resources are depleted natural resources, non-renewable, development and utilization have negative externalities, exploring the preparation of mineral resources balance sheets and promoting their management applications, which has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the internship of XI Jinping ecological civilization.In view of the current unclear theory, different methods, technical inaccuracy, and incomplete data in the preparation of current mineral resources balance sheet, this paper draws on the domestic and international natural resources and environmental economic accounting theory based on the research of natural resources balance sheet.The technical method, combined with the management procedures of mineral resources reserves, transfer, income and governance, adheres to the national position and the equal rights and responsibilities, reshapes the mineral resources balance sheet preparation framework and measurement methods, and proposes to incorporate environmental changes into the economic growth evaluation system.The balance sheet will be managed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, and the countermeasures will be improved by improving the reporting rate and ensuring accurate and traceable results.


