
    The influence mechanism and experimental study of water bearing on mode-Ⅰ fracture of argillaceous siltstone

    • 摘要: 本文利用TAW-3000电液伺服岩石试验机和PCI-2型全数字化声发射监测系统,对三种不同含水状态的泥质粉砂岩进行巴西圆盘劈裂试验,得到干燥、自然及饱水状态下岩石的力学曲线和声发射特征。试验结果表明:三种含水状态的泥质粉砂岩均发生了纯Ⅰ型断裂,受泥质胶结成岩方式的影响,该岩石受水的软化作用效果明显,饱水状态岩石的平均抗拉强度仅为干燥状态下的39.71%。岩石Ⅰ型断裂演化过程中,饱水岩样的声发射活动受到抑制,加载过程中能量释放微弱。此外,在岩石临近破裂前,干燥状态有高频主频值出现,饱水状态下有低频主频值出现。随着含水量的增加,100 kHz附近主频带逐渐减少,分布逐渐向中低主频带集中。值得注意的是,20 kHz和50 kHz的中低主频带“分布极少→集中出现→逐渐消失”的演化规律可作为本次泥质粉砂岩Ⅰ型断裂试验的敏感频段。


      Abstract: By using the electro-hydraulic servo rock testing machine of TAW-3000 and the fully digitized acoustic emission(AE) monitoring system of PCI-2, Brazil disk splitting test is carried out on three kinds of pelitic siltstones with different water-bearing states, and the characteristics of mechanical and AE under three kinds of water-bearing states are obtained.The test results show that the three kinds of water-bearing argillaceous siltstones undergo pure mode-Ⅰ fracture under the split tests.Under the influence of the mode of argillaceous diagenesis, the softening effect of the rock is obvious.The average tensile strength of the water-saturated argillaceous siltstones is less than 39.71% under the dry condition.During the evolution of rock mode-Ⅰ faults, AE activity of saturated rock samples is restrained, and energy release is weak during loading.In addition, high frequency dominant frequency appears in dry state and low frequency dominant frequency appears in saturated state before rock breaks.With the increase of water content, the main frequency band near 100 kHz decreases gradually, and the distribution gradually concentrates to the middle low main frequency band.It is noteworthy that the evolutionary regularity of the 20 kHz and 50 kHz middle and low main frequency bands “from very few distribution to centralized occurrence and then to gradually disappear” can be used as the sensitive frequency band for the mode-Ⅰ fracture test of argillaceous siltstone.


