
    Experimental investigation on interface mechanical properties between cemented paste backfill and rock based on direct shear tests

    • 摘要: 采场充填体与围岩接触面处的强度参数对研究采场充填体应力分布及其揭露稳定性具有重要意义。本文对全尾砂胶结充填体与花岗岩光滑面形成的充填体-岩石接触面试块进行了直剪力学试验研究,从充填体灰砂比(1∶4、1∶10和1∶20)、养护龄期(7 d和28 d)及接触面法向应力(50 kPa、100 kPa和150 kPa)三个方面研究对比了接触面的剪切峰值强度和残余强度,探索了接触面的内摩擦角和黏聚力的相互关系。结果表明:充填体-岩石接触面的峰值剪切强度和残余剪切强度均随法向应力的提高而线性增加;接触面的峰值剪切强度随灰砂比、养护龄期的增加而显著提高,但接触面残余剪切强度随灰砂比和养护龄期的改变基本无敏感性;接触面的内摩擦角明显大于等配比和龄期充填体的内摩擦角,而接触面的黏聚力则小于等配比和龄期充填体的黏聚力,并得出了接触面内摩擦角和黏聚力分别与等配比和龄期充填体内摩擦角和黏聚力的线性相关换算关系。


      Abstract: The shear strength of the interface between cemented paste backfill(CPB) and rock is of practical importance in analysis of stress distribution in backfilled stope and mine operators to balance strength.This paper aims at investigating the interface shear strength behavior between CPB and rock.The tests are performed on real backfill and granite.The shear tests are conducted at three different constant normal stress levels on flat and smooth interfaces.All tests are carried out in a standard direct shear test apparatus for a range of curing ages of 7 to 28 days, and three different cement tailings ratios for the CPB.Both cohesion, friction angle, peak and residua strengths are determined.The results show that the shear strength parameters and behavior of the CPB-rock interface are time-dependent and significantly influenced by cement content and the normal load, the peak shear strength and residual shear strength of the CPB-rock interface increase linearly with the increase of normal stress; the peak shear strength increases significantly with the increase of cement content and curing age, but the residual shear strength is insensitive to the change of cement content and curing age; besides the mechanical parameters of CPB-rock interface and CPB can be fitted with a certain line.


