
    Case project of ecological restoration of a nonferrous metal mine in Guangxi

    • 摘要: 本文介绍了广西某有色金属矿山生态修复工程实例,通过场地调查与风险评估,确定矿山污染状况、修复工程量及修复目标。首先,确定工程修复技术,Ⅰ类一般工业固体废物直接在场地内进行原位阻隔覆盖;Ⅱ类一般工业固体废物先采用固化/稳定化技术修复,达到Ⅰ类一般工业固体废物的要求后,运至填埋场进行异位阻隔填埋。其次,通过固化/稳定化小试和中试,确定B-MSM投加量为3.0%、土壤含水率为35%及搅拌停留时间为5 min等工程应用参数,既保证了修复工程质量,又降低了修复成本。最后,结合当地植物品种,选用耐受重金属的乡土先锋植物构建乔灌草植物搭配组合,对修复后的矿山进行生态复绿。本工程的成功实例为其他类似矿山生态修复提供了借鉴和参考。


      Abstract: This paper introduces an example of ecological restoration project of a nonferrous metal mine in Guangxi, and through site investigation and risk assessment, determines the mine pollution status, engineering repair quantity and repair target are determined by site investigation and risk assessment.Firstly, the engineering repair technique is determined, and the categoryⅠgeneral industrial solid wastes are dealt with a method of situ barrier landfill in the site directly; and the categoryⅡgeneral industrial solid wastes are repaired by a solidification/stabilization technology to meet the requirements of categoryⅠgeneral industrial solid waste, then the wastes are dealt with a method of ectopic barrier landfill in a landfill.Secondly, engineering application parameters are determined by small test and pilot test with the method of solidification/stabilization, such as the B-MSM increase is 3%, the soil moisture content is 35% and the mixing residence time is 5 min, which ensures the quality of the repair project but also reduces the repair cost.Finally, in order to achieve the mine ecological re-green, the plants which have the tolerance of heavy metals are selected in the basis of the local plant varieties, to build a plant system with arbors, shrubs and grass.The success of this project provides reference for other similar mine ecological restoration.


