
    Evaluation of casting blast effect based on integrated evaluation system

    • 摘要: 为改善抛掷爆破效果,优化抛掷爆破参数,选取炸药单耗、有效抛掷率、松散系数、最远抛掷距离、最大振速、松方体积、延米爆破量7个评价指标,建立灰色关联-层次分析法和熵权法-层次分析法的集成评价体系。对某露天矿10个爆堆剖面进行抛掷爆破效果评价,将单一评价方法和集成评价方法及集成评价方法间横向比较,结合主客观因素进行定量分析,从而得出更加精准、全面的爆破效果评价。


      Abstract: In order to improve the casting blast effect and to optimize the casting blast parameters, the seven evaluation indexes of explosive single consumption, effective throwing rate, coefficient of volumetric expansion, casting distance, maximum vibration speed, loose square volume and blasting output per meter hole are selected to establish an integrated evaluation system of Grey relational-AHP and Entropy weight method-AHP.The evaluation of the casting blast effect of 10 explosion fragmentation section in an open pit mine, the horizontal evaluation of the single evaluation method, the integrated evaluation method and the integrated evaluation method, combined with the subjective and objective factors for quantitative analysis, thereby obtaining a more accurate and comprehensive evaluation of the blasting effect.


