
    Global mining outlook in 2020

    • 摘要: 2020年世界经济面临加速下行风险,全球矿业复苏的势头受挫。除澳大利亚等部分国家外,多数国家矿产勘查开发投资下降。地缘冲突、贸易战和资源战升级将严重影响油气等大宗矿产品供应。黄金等避险类资产将受到市场投资者关注,从而带动金矿勘查开发项目投资。关键矿产将继续受到世界各国高度重视,锂、稀土等矿产供应将在一定程度上得到缓解。


      Abstract: The world economy is facing accelerated downside risks in 2020, and the recovery of global mining will be slower.Except for some countries like Australia, spending on mineral exploration and development in most countries will decrease.The escalation of geopolitical conflicts, trade wars and resource wars will seriously affect the secure supply of bulk mineral products such as oil and gas.Hedging assets such as gold will attract investors'attention in the market, spurring the investment in exploration and development of gold projects.Critical minerals will continue to be attached great importance to many countries in the world, and the supply of minerals such as lithium and rare earths will be alleviated to a certain extent.


