
    Status and policy recommendations of China's mineral resources industry poverty alleviation and sustainable development

    • 摘要: 目前,我国已经到了扶贫攻坚的关键时期,矿产资源产业扶贫作为一种重要扶贫路径,还没有充分发挥其重要作用,仍存在许多不足之处。需要在国家统筹规划的基础上,从建立收益分配制度、完善激励约束机制、构建多元化经营模式、实施差异化政策、发扬基层党组织建设优势五个方面综合施策,促进矿业发展和贫困户脱贫致富,实现贫困地区可持续发展。


      Abstract: At present, our country has reached a critical period of crucial for poverty alleviation.As an important route of poverty alleviation, the mining industry has not fully played its important role and still has many shortcomings.On the basis of the overall national planning, a comprehensive policy should be made from five aspects, including the establishment of income distribution system, the improvement of incentive and restraint mechanism, the construction of diversified business model, the implementation of differentiated policies and the development of the advantages of grassroots party organization, so as to promote the development of mining industry and enrichment of poor households, realize the sustainable development in poor areas.


