
    Research on super high-water material filling technology

    • 摘要: 针对超高水材料性能差、充填体密实程度低、充填工艺系统复杂等问题,以田庄煤矿超高水材料充填开采为工程背景,研究了不同外加剂掺量对超高水材料的影响,分析了超高水材料蠕变性能,改进了充填系统和工艺,并开展了工业性试验和效果分析。结果表明:随AA外加剂掺量增加,浆液流动性能变差,泌水率降低,单轴抗压强度逐渐增加,28 d强度最大可达0.90 MPa;在6.5 MPa压力作用下封闭的超高水材料应变仅为6.02×10-3,超高水材料可视为不可压缩体;充填工艺系统简洁、高效、稳定,实现了精准自动化操作和半连续制浆、连续放浆的工艺,满足了工作面的快速回采和充填要求;超高水材料性能好、充填体密实度高、接顶充分,达到了显著的地表沉降控制效果,实现了煤炭资源的绿色开采。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problems of poor performance of super high-water material, low filling density and complicated filling system, the super high-water material filling and mining in Tianzhuang coal mine is taken as the research background.The effects of different admixtures on super high-water material are studied.The creep properties of super high-water materials are analyzed, the filling system and process are improved, and meanwhile, industrial tests and effects analysis are carried out.The results show that with the increase of AA admixture content, the slurry flow performance is worse, the bleeding rate is reduced, the uniaxial compressive strength is gradually increased, compressive strength can reach up to 0.90 MPa after 28 days;The strain of super high-water material closed under the pressure of 6.5 MPa is only 6.02×10-3, and super high-water material can be regarded as an incompressible body;the filling process system is simple, efficient and stable, and realizes the precise automatic operation and the process of semi-continuous pulping and continuous slurrying, which satisfies the rapid recovery and filling of the working face;with good performance of super high-water material, high compactness of filling body and complete contacting between filling body and roof, remarkable control effect of surface subsidence is achieved, resulting in green mining of coal resources.


