
    The behavior regularity and observation of mine pressure of large mining height face in deeply buried hard coal and rock

    • 摘要: 针对深埋坚硬煤岩大采高长壁工作面矿山压力显现强烈、煤壁片帮严重、顶板控制效果较差等问题,以红庆河煤矿3-1101大采高综采工作面为例,介绍了深埋坚硬煤岩大采高长壁工作面矿山压力的观测方案和实施方法。通过现场观测和相关数据分析,得出了该工作面矿山压力显现规律、特征、液压支架工作状态和工作面煤壁片帮等结果。提出了相应的安全技术措施和建议,以有效满足控制深埋坚硬煤岩大采高长壁工作面顶板和煤壁片帮的要求,为类似煤层的安全高效开采提供较好的参考依据。


      Abstract: Aiming at a series of questions of dramatically emerged mining pressure, serious rib spalling and poor roof control effect on large mining height face in deeply buried hard coal and rock, takes the 3-1101 large mining working face of Hongqinghe coal mine in Inner Mongolia as an example.This paper introduces the observation scheme and implementation method of the large mining height face in deeply buried hard coal and rock.Through on-site observation and related data analysis, the regularity and characteristics of mining pressure, working state of hydraulic support, rib spalling and other results of this working face are obtained.The corresponding safety technical measures and suggestions are put forward, in order to effectively meet the requirements of controlling the roof and rib spalling on large mining height face in deeply buries hard coal and rock.It is a better reference for safe and efficient mining of similar coal seams in Dongsheng coalfield.


