
    Analysis of roof failure and fracture mechanics based on roof shear beam theory

    • 摘要: 顶板破坏及断裂事故占矿井灾害事故的百分之七十以上。由于顶板破坏及断裂发生的主要诱因是剪切力,因此本文基于顶板剪切梁理论,结合平煤某矿FLAC3D煤岩层开采的有限元仿真结果,研究分析了采空区长度a值对煤层内部及顶板应力的影响。通过对比分析可知煤矿顶板出现冲击地压危险的主要因素有两个:一是与采空区长度a值有关,采空区长度a值越大,出现冲击地压的可能性越大,且等效应力的最大值出现在采空区长度的二分之一处;二是与顶板承受的剪切应力值有关,当该值达到顶板剪切强度极限时,顶板与煤层组成的变形系统将失稳,出现冲击地压危险。有限元仿真结果与理论预测结果的一致性说明应用顶板剪切梁理论对顶板产生破坏及断裂的预测是准确的,同时对预测、预防冲击地压中顶板破坏煤矿灾害事故的发生具有重要的指导意义。


      Abstract: Roof failure and fracture accidents account for more than 70% of mine disasters.The main cause of roof failure and fracture is shear force.Therefore, this paper analyses the influence of the length of goaf on the stress of the coal seam internal and roof based on the theory of roof shear beam, combined with the finite element simulation results of FLAC3D coal seam mining in a coal mine.Through the comparative analysis, it is known that there are two main factors that cause the rock burst on the roof of the coal mine.The first one is related to the length of the goaf.The larger the length of the goaf, the greater the possibility of rock burst, and the maximum value of the equivalent stress appears at one-half of length of the goaf.The second one is related to the shear stress value of the roof, the deformation system composed of the roof and the coal seam will be unstable, and there is a danger of rock burst when the value reaches the limit of the shear strength of the roof.The consistency between the finite element simulation results and the theoretical prediction results indicated that the prediction of the roof failure and fracture by the roof shear beam theory is accurate.At the same time, it has important guiding significance for predicting and preventing the roof failure and fracture of rock burst of coal mine disasters.


