
    Impact of COVID-19 on the mining market

    • 摘要: 新冠肺炎疫情爆发后,短期内大宗矿产品的现货价格和期货价格均遭遇大幅下跌,国内外上市矿业企业的股价也大幅下挫;国内矿业企业面临用工普遍紧张、物流运输受阻、供需两端走弱、境外项目延缓等问题。近期,政府政策支持减轻国内矿业企业压力,提振市场信心,涉矿股票板块普遍反弹。2020年矿产品需求大概率总体下降,矿种市场形势预计将呈现差别化特点。因此,建议关注矿业市场与下游产业复苏、中美矿产资源国际竞争及矿业市场波动问题,多措并举,推进市场平稳运行,降低疫情冲击。


      Abstract: After the outbreak of the COVID-19, the spot and futures prices of major mineral products have fallen sharply in the short term, and the stock prices of domestic and foreign listed mining companies have also fallen sharply.Domestic mining companies are facing problems such as generally tense employment, blocked logistics and transportation, weak supply and demand ends, and delays in overseas projects.Recently, the government policies support reducing pressure on domestic mining companies and boosting market confidence.The mining stocks sector has generally rebounded.In 2020, there is a high probability that the demand for mineral products will decline overall, and the situation of the mineral market is expected to show differentiated characteristics.Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the recovery of the mining market and downstream industries, the international competition between China and the United States for mineral resources, and the fluctuation of the mining market.Take multiple measures to promote the smooth operation of the market and reduce the impact of the epidemic.


