
    Research on the Australian petroleum geological data submission management and inspirations for China

    • 摘要: 随着我国社会和国民经济的飞速发展,对油气资源的需求也大幅提高,我国的油气产量难以满足国内需求,对外依存度逐年提高,需要加大油气勘探开发力度,开展油气地质工作离不开齐全完整的油气地质资料。由于历史原因,我国油气地质资料的汇交管理不够完善,学习国外先进的油气地质资料汇交管理经验,有助于提高我国油气地质资料的汇交管理水平。澳大利亚油气资源非常丰富,其油气地质资料的汇交管理水平位于世界前列。本文分析了澳大利亚油气地质资料的汇交管理特点和可借鉴的经验,提出了对提升我国油气地质资料管理水平的启示。


      Abstract: With the development of the national economy and society, the consume demand of petroleum is increasing gradually in China.Petroleum production is difficult to meet domestic demand, and the external dependence of petroleum is increasing year by year.It is necessary to increase petroleum exploration and development, and the petroleum geological work needs complete petroleum geological data.Due to historical reasons, the submission management of petroleum geological data in China is not perfect.Learning from the foreign advanced petroleum geological data submission management experience will improve the management level of petroleum geological data in China.Australia is rich in petroleum resources; its submission management level of petroleum geological data is at the forefront of the world.This paper analyzes the characteristics of submission management of Australia petroleum geological data and the experience that can be used for reference, and puts forward the enlightenment to improve the management level of petroleum geological data in China.


