
    Analysis of green mine construction in the Gangdise metallogenic belt:a case study of Jiama copper polymetallic mine, Tibet

    • 摘要: 冈底斯成矿带矿产资源丰富,富含铜矿、富铁矿、富银铅锌矿及金矿,无论在规模上还是资源储量上都将成为我国重要的矿产资源开发基地;甲玛铜多金属矿位于冈底斯成矿带的中部,是西藏自治区第一个国家级绿色矿山。本文重点分析了甲玛铜多金属矿先进的科学技术、科学的运营模式、资源的高效利用、矿山生态环境的保护、矿业企业品牌的塑造与和谐矿区的建设模式都具有推广性和普适性,对我国摸索开发冈底斯成矿带上开发资源,开展绿色矿山建设具有重大指导意义。


      Abstract: The Gangdise metallogenic belt is rich in mineral resources, which contains abundant copper, iron, silver, lead, zinc and gold.It will become an important development base of mineral resources in China in terms of scale and reserves.The Jama copper polymetallic mine is located in the middle of the Gangdise metallogenic belt, which is the national green mining model enterprise.This paper analyzes its advanced science and technology, scientific operation mode, efficient utilization of resources, ecological environment protection of the mine, brand building of the mining enterprise and the construction of harmonious mining area.All these things Jama copper polymetallic mine can be popularized widely and applied generally.The Jama copper polymetallic mine has great significance for China to exploit the resources of the Gangdise metallogenic belt and carry out the green mine construction.


