
    Shale oil upstream industry development process in USA and its enlightenments

    • 摘要: 近年来美国页岩油产业的快速发展,大幅提高了本国的石油供应能力,影响了世界能源格局。研究美国页岩油上游产业发展进程,学习其发展策略和经验,对于探索我国页岩油等非常规油气产业发展路径十分重要。通过对美国页岩油资源概况、发展历程、勘探开发现状以及未来发展趋势的分析,梳理了上游产业发展的经验策略,主要包括:科学技术创新提供了核心动力;完备的矿业市场激发内在潜力;合理的政策措施增添发展活力。基于此,提出几点关于我国页岩油产业发展的建议:一是摸清资源潜力,制定科学发展规划;二是加强科研攻关,发挥综合试验区作用;三是优化体制机制,增强矿业市场活力;四是提高政策扶持,统筹资源开发和环境保护。


      Abstract: In recent years, the shale oil industry has been rapidly developing in US, strengthening domestic oil supply and also having an effect on energy supply framework all over the world. It is very significant to learn some experience and strategies through study the development process of shale oil upstream industry in US. In this paper, shale oil resources potential, exploration and exploitation history, situation as well as trend are all analyzed, based on these, three main pieces of experience are summarized, including core motivation from science and technology innovation, development potential aroused by improving mining market, growing vitality through reasonable polices. Therefore, several suggestions for shale oil industry development in China are put forward. Firstly, scientific development plan should be made by investigating shale oil distribution and quantity further. Secondly, to improve key theory and technique, which could be tried in typical test areas. Thirdly, to optimize management system and mechanism in order to active domestic mining market. Finally, extra polices in both stimulating shale oil development and protecting field environment need to be considered.


