
    Risk analysis of global oil and gas resources investment environment in the new era

    • 摘要: 石油天然气资源虽具备完全的商品属性,但在国民经济和工业化发展中的战略性作用不容忽视,通常被认为是战略性能源资源。在我国油气资源供求关系严重失衡的情况下,充分利用国外资源是一种必然选择。油气行业投资风险高、运营周期长,产业链受政治、经济、市场、技术等多种影响因素制约,往往在终端价格上体现出多个经济体的整体发展水平和多方博弈的结果。近年来,国际油价走低、全球经济趋缓、地缘政治复杂、地区冲突频发、大国博弈日趋尖锐,都在一定程度上造成全球油气资源投资环境的复杂、多变和难以掌控。本文将站在我国视角,对全球油气资源投资环境的新变化进行总结和分析,提出我国油气企业“走出去”利用国外油气资源将面临的风险和挑战,并提出相关建议。


      Abstract: Oil and gas resources have completed commodity attributes, but the strategic roles of the national economy and industrial development cannot be ignored.They are generally considered as the strategic energy resources.It is an inevitable choice to make full use of foreign resources under the imbalance between supply and demand of oil and gas resources in China.The oil and gas industry has high investment risk and long operation cycle whose chain is restricted by politics, economy, market, technology and other influencing factors, and the terminal price is the results of development levels of multiple economies and many sides games.In the recent years, with the low international oil prices, slowing global economy, complex geopolitics, frequent regional conflicts and increasingly sharp game between major powers, the global investment environment of oil and gas resources is becoming complex, volatile and unmanageable.This paper summarizes and analyzes the new changes of the global oil and gas resources investment environment in the china’s perspective, and puts forward the risks and challenges of “going global” to obtain foreign oil and gas resources of China’s enterprises, and then, puts forward some suggestions.


