
    Experimental study on the performance of the filling active roof-contaceted material

    • 摘要: 充填接顶是充填采矿工艺的重要工序,其效果关系到矿石回采安全性及回收率。为解决目前充填采场接顶率低的难题,本文提出了充填体主动接顶技术。经试验研究,在充填料浆中添加与其相匹配的自膨胀材料,利用其自膨胀功能使充填体体积增大,可实现采场充填体主动膨胀接顶。通过开展自膨胀充填料浆的流动性能和自膨胀充填体的强度试验,并借助扫描电镜(SEM)分析充填体的微观结构,确定了广东某铅锌矿充填接顶的技术参数,在充填料浆浓度为73%、灰砂比为1∶4、膨胀材料添加量为3%时,充填体体积膨胀率为22%~23%,充填体强度约2.0 MPa,满足接顶充填工艺要求。


      Abstract: Roof-contacted filling is an important process of fill mining technology, its effect is related to the safety and recovery rate of ore mining.In order to solve the problem of low roof-contact rate in filling mine, this paper puts forward the active roof-contacted technology of filling body.Through the experimental study, the filling body volume can be increased by adding the matching self expanding material in the filling slurry, and the filling body can be connected to the roof actively by using its self expanding function.Based on the experimental study of the flow performance and the strength of the self expanding filling slurry, and the analysis of the microstructure of the filling by SEM, the best technical parameters of the roof-contacted filling in a lead zinc mine in Guangdong province are determined.When the filling concentration is 73%, the ratio of lime to sand is 1∶4, and the amount of expansion material is 3%, the volume expansion rate of the filling body is 22%-23%, and the strength of the filling body is about 2.0 MPa, which meets the requirements of the top filling technology.


