
    Optimization of structural parameters of upward drift stope based on FLAC3D model

    • 摘要: 针对玲珑金矿上向进路充填采矿法采场跨度过于保守导致的生产能力低、工人劳动强度高等问题,利用FLAC3D软件对采场结构参数进行模拟优化,模拟结果表明:在当前的地质条件和技术条件下,采场的极限跨度为8 m,鉴于模拟的简化性和现场条件的复杂性,建议生产时采场的跨度不得超过6 m;开展工业试验,将采场跨度变更前后的技术经济指标进行对比,试验结果表明:跨度扩大到6 m后,损失率和贫化率明显降低,生产效率提高,断面扩大后引入大型凿岩钻孔设备,提高了机械化程度,减轻了工人的劳动强度。


      Abstract: Aiming at the problems of low production capacity and high labor intensity caused by over-conservative stope span of up and down filling mining method in Linglong gold mine, FLAC3D software was used to simulate and optimize stope structure parameters.The simulation results show that the limit span of the stope is 8m under the current field geological and technical conditions.In view of the simplicity of the simulation and the complexity of the field conditions, it is recommended that the stope span should not exceed 6m during production.Compared with the technical and economic indicators before and after the stope span changes based on industrial tests.The test results show that the loss rate and dilution rate are significantly reduced after the span is expanded to 6m, and the production efficiency is improved.After the span is expanded, large drilling and drilling equipment is introduced to improve the degree of mechanization and reduce the labor intensity of workers.


